Allison's FAVORITE PLAYDOUGH RECIPE! "It's the BEST! (Created by my friend and former assistant teacher Angela back in my Brooklyn days) Whether it's a rainy or sunny day there is tons of fun to be had playing with play dough as well as many benefits, here's just a few:
strengthens fine motor function
calming to sensory and nervous system
creative and imaginative play
telling stories, expressive language and verbal skills
Here is where as a community of friends, families and children we will share:
ideas and tips that inspire us
creative project 'how tos'
suggestions of fun things to do on a rainy day
places to go
other wonderful websites
parenting advise on topical subjects
homemade crafts
healthy recipes
exhibit a child's new painting
celebrate a milestone… get the idea….:)
Please send your Submission Ideas to[email protected] One or two submissions will be selected to share on this page as well as on Facebook. This is a 'family space. Only appropriate materials suitable to children and the above various related topics will be chosen:
Submission Guidelines:
Please send a brief description (50 words or less) about your submission that includes some information about yourself or your child.
Send 1 -2 photos related to your submission. Send art project with instructions and accompanying (4- 6) photos limit. (optional and or if applicable)
Send you submission by email only of your idea, place, project, article, website, art work, etc.
Send any links and website addresses if applicable.
Send your name, child's name, telephone and email address along with your submission.
Those chosen to display will be notified by email.
Credit for submission will be given by first name only. (optional)
Thank You! I look forward to building this WOS COMMUNITY SHARING SPACE! Thank you for your participation and interest!
music for kids, CDs and videos of original music for children, children's music classes, kids music and art classes, music and art, kids yoga classes, kids music concerts, children classes, family events, testimonials, about, camps, mailing list
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