Yogami~Kids Yoga & Family Community Classes
Classes Available Indoors - Outside - Online - Privately at Your Home
Designed and Taught by Allison DeSalvo since 2010
(YogAmi combines the words 'yoga & friend' from the french word for friend - 'Ami')
Coming Up this Fall on September 9th YOGAMI (K- 3rd Grade)!
YOGAMI Kids Summer 2024
A creative arts kid's yoga class learning poses and exercises for the body, and exploring simple breathing and meditation for calming mind and heart. Interactive songs, movement, stories, partner and group games fill out our fun. While engaging with nature, our senses and imaginations we'll be releasing energy, improving flexibility and promoting healthy habits and friendship within our community. Wear comfortable stretchy clothes. Bring yoga mats or towels. Themes and props are incorporated.
Coming Up on Wednesday Aug 7: YogAmi (ages 3-6) TO REGISTER> CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS $15 per workshop kid/caregiver $5 additional siblings Siblings under 1 are free Hosted by The Creative Living Room Classes will take place at the Park Ave Community Center |

ABOUT YogAmi Kids
(YogAmi combines the words 'yoga & friend' from the french word for friend - 'Ami')
YogAmi~Kids Yoga combines a creative, multi-arts approach to learning yoga in playful, age appropriate ways with songs, stories, games, partner and group poses, and even simple crafts, providing an enriching experience for the development of the whole child. Classes are designed around children’s natural curiosities and exploration. Students explore through imaginative play, social interaction, and repetition while releasing energy, improving motor skills, building strength and increasing attention span promoting healthy fun and friendships. Educational elements and yoga principles such as kindness, cooperation, respect and self awareness are threaded through themes each week. Simple breath exercises and mindfulness introduce the power of quiet time - often a busy child's favorite part of class!
(Adapted for virtual participation.)
Classes are conducted in bare feet when indoors. Refer to guidelines for outdoor classes. Non binding, comfortable clothes are required. Please bring your own yoga mats if you have them, some mats will be available for your use.
YogAmi is available for Ages: 2 - 4 with adult , 4 - 7 and 8 - 12
"Family" style mixed age classes are designed to be open ended for children of different skills to participate at their own level. The interplay between family members will be capitalized on this class.
MORE INFO: Email [email protected] or call 267-282-1242 with questions or interest anytime.
I look forward to your participation in the classes!
(YogAmi combines the words 'yoga & friend' from the french word for friend - 'Ami')
YogAmi~Kids Yoga combines a creative, multi-arts approach to learning yoga in playful, age appropriate ways with songs, stories, games, partner and group poses, and even simple crafts, providing an enriching experience for the development of the whole child. Classes are designed around children’s natural curiosities and exploration. Students explore through imaginative play, social interaction, and repetition while releasing energy, improving motor skills, building strength and increasing attention span promoting healthy fun and friendships. Educational elements and yoga principles such as kindness, cooperation, respect and self awareness are threaded through themes each week. Simple breath exercises and mindfulness introduce the power of quiet time - often a busy child's favorite part of class!
(Adapted for virtual participation.)
Classes are conducted in bare feet when indoors. Refer to guidelines for outdoor classes. Non binding, comfortable clothes are required. Please bring your own yoga mats if you have them, some mats will be available for your use.
YogAmi is available for Ages: 2 - 4 with adult , 4 - 7 and 8 - 12
"Family" style mixed age classes are designed to be open ended for children of different skills to participate at their own level. The interplay between family members will be capitalized on this class.
MORE INFO: Email [email protected] or call 267-282-1242 with questions or interest anytime.
I look forward to your participation in the classes!
Outdoor YogAmi Kids & Family Classes
Kids doing "Shavasana" - deep resting pose

LOCATION: The PAC Center, 129 Park Ave, Swarthmore PA 19081